Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I love Beijing, but those Peking knees...

No more trains (for a while)....theTrans-Mongolian express has reached its final destination: Beijing!

Beijing has everything you could wish for: culture, delicious food, art, hip bars, bikes, cheap massages, fashion, good shopping (silk market), excellent subway system and the Great Wall

A list of favourites and must do's:


- Home cooked food at Alice's tea house
- Try the 2 yen Chinese take on egg on a roll
- Have a 5 yen dinner in one of the tiny restaurants in the hutongs
- Try a scorpion, starfish or just some dumplings at the snackmarket (bargain!!)


- Visit Mao Mao Thong Hong (Banchang hutong) for great cocktails and homemade vodka
- Hike from bar to bar in one of the hutongs
- Have a beer in one of the many rooftop bars on Nanluogu Xiang
- Try some tea during one of Alice's tea ceremonies


- Great Wall!
- Forbidden city (it is huge!)
- Acrobat and/or Kung Fu show

People watching

- Wander around in one of the many hutongs (bring your playing cards, they like games)
- Relax in the park around the Temple of Heaven...a playground for the elderly!
- For the hipsters: 798 Art District...tons of galleries in a former factory. Great scene, do not miss 798 photography!

Even though the subway system is great (mr Bloomberg, please pay a visit) and taxis are a bike! It is the best way to get around in this city which has the size of Belgium! Ignore this advice and you will end up with Peking not worry though, massages are cheap...and good!

Last tip for the ladies: always carry toilet paper in your bra...comes in handy when visiting the public restrooms...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Beijing, China

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