Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A passage to Rajasthan

Rajasthan, the Land of Kings...home of the pink, the blue and the golden city and the Rajputs, warrior clans who claim to originate from the sun, moon and fire!

Maybe a bit too much on the beaten track for my taste (actually, the track is beaten to pulp by elderly tourists with fat reddish faces) but still a beautiful part of India. It is a land of palaces, desert, camels, jungle and culture

...and unfortunately, too many touts who are doing their utmost to make you hate their country. It is so disappointing having to acknowledge that in two weeks no one talked to you without asking you money in return. You cannot stop anywhere in the street to take a look on your map or read the Lonely Planet, if you take a peak in a store, the shopowner jumps on you, every restaurant overcharges tourists and you have to bargain hard for everything...after travelling all over the world (including to very poor countries) this is a new but I would not say very good experience...

India, it is said that you either hate or love it....I am not sure which camp I am in yet.

Anyway, there is Jaipur, chaotic and pink, with its colourful bazaars

Wonderful Jaisalmer in the middle of the desert with its golden sandstone fort which gives you an Ali Baba feel... Obviously, you cannot be in the desert without riding a camel and sleep under the stars. Although your but gets sore fairly quickly, the relaxing tingling of the bells of the camels makes you very relaxed!

Blue Jodphur with an even more impressive fort and Hindus celebrating Dusshera (a festival celebrating the victory of the Hind god Rama over the demon king Ravana. It gives a real Indian feel. Hundreds of colourful smiling women and children in their best saris! The afternoon ends up being one big photoshoot...all attendees of thd festival like to have their picture taken by me in their festival outfits (see "Faces of India"). Late at night, the women and children are dancing on load Indian pop music in the light of the street lanterns. An amazing day and night!

Last but not least, romantic Udaipur with its fairytale like palace in the middle of Lake Piccola

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Rahajstan province, India

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