Friday, September 09, 2011

Chilling in the rain

Whereas rain is normally this traveller's nightmare, it can also be a good excuse to chill out for a day or so... After travelling by one of the most famous (but slow) trains, the fastest train in the world, buses and bicycles, a hell lot of hiking for a few weeks, filthy bathrooms, overloads of rice and noodles and yak butter tea why not cheat a little bit with a grande non fat latte of Starbucks, cheeseburger and french fries of Mc Donalds, a long and hot shower and then curl up on the soft couch of the hostel to (finally) watch "The Last Emperor" (took a week to upload this 5.5GB Oscar winning movie about the last emperor of China...)...awesome!

As usual, regret having had a quarterpounder immediately after finishing the last bit, so next day decided to have lunch at a slighty dodgy Chinese neighbourhood restaurant that you would not consider visiting at home. However, after struggling to order something without head, feet or toes, had a lovely meal of noodles with veggies, dumplings and wonton soup for the equivalent of 1 dollar and pijiu "Hans", 600 ml beer, for 10 cts! After showing some interest in the kitchen, was invited to practice my pork bun/dumpling-rolling skills by helping with the mis-en-place for that night. The head chef was very tough...had to make the dumplings all over again and again and again until one can no longer tell the difference between hers and mine. The kitchen brigade initially pityfull stares at the-tall-white-girl-who-does-not-have-any-talent-for-rolling-dumplings, but after three succesful buns, they start giggling and giving me compliments (that is what "yi shang yi shang you" means, right?).

Tomorrow, terracotta warriors....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Xi'an, China

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